Novice MS SQL User
Dell PowerEdge 2300
NT 4 server SP4
MS SQL Server 6.5
i'm trying to upload 250,000 records
Error : 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2
Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'clearance_data' because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.
what i'm planning to do is to add a new hard drive to the server, but HOW?
please help
see attached files (jpeg zip) for
Disk Administration
SQL Server
Available space
Thanks in advance(Couldn't read your attached files), but:
You might consider trying some of the following:
Temporarily set the DB 'clearance_data' to truncate on checkpoint until you have loaded your data.
Add or increase the size of the existing transaction log for DB 'clearance_data'.
I assume you are loading 250,000 records into the the DB 'clearance_data'? (If so, try loading fewer records at any one time e.g., load 10 25,000 record data subsets, instead of all 250,000 at once.)
To clear the error 'logsegment' segment is full try: Dump Log 'clearance_data' with Truncate_Only
Finally, RE: " ...add a new hard drive to the server, but HOW?"
What kind of (hardware?) issues are you having with the new hard drive?|||Thanks for the quick response
Finally, RE: " ...add a new hard drive to the server, but HOW?"
What kind of (hardware?) issues are you having with the new hard drive?
please download again the attached file, I used WinZip 8.0
NT Server Setup
4338MB DISK 0 C: - 1083MB Mirror Set E: - 3240 Stripe Set
4338MB DISK 1 C: - 1083MB Mirror Set E: - 3240 Stripe set
4299MB DISK 2 F: - 4299MB Primary Partition
SQL Server Setup
Database devices Data Size Available
clearance_device 5500MB 1290MB
if I add, lets say 18GB HD
this will become
can I still add/expand the clearance_device to 18GB more
is this doable?
Thanks again in adavce|||Q1 please download again the attached file, I used WinZip 8.0
Q2 can I still add/expand the clearance_device to 18GB more
is this doable?
A1 This time the error (with the image zip) was " Either multipart or corrupt ZIP archive."
A2 You may not actually be able to use 100% of the new volume's free space, (even implementing raw partion devices), but generally, yes.
Note: It appears likely that you have separate devices for both DB Log and DB Data (if so, a good thing). In your particular situation, (if you must perform a single large operation in one step); you must provide the DB LOG sufficient space to complete the operation. Obviously, there must also be sufficient room for the actual DB data itself, as well; so it is possible you may also need to provide additional free data device space to successfully complete your load operation. The reason for mentioning this (in this manner) is that Sql Server 6.x allowed the co-mingling of Log / Data on the same device (generally not a desirable configuration, for a number of reasons).|||I tried downloading the file... yes it was corrupted
I'll try to attached it again
. +------+
4338MB DISK 0 C: - 1083MB Mirror Set | E: - 3240 Stripe Set
4338MB DISK 1 C: - 1083MB Mirror Set | E: - 3240 Stripe Set
. +------+
on those stripe set resides the clearance_data
A2 You may not actually be able to use 100% of the new volume's free space, (even implementing raw partion devices), but generally, yes.
assuming I have installed a new device
how can I configure MS SQL 6.5 to use the new device for clearance_data for expansion
Thanks again
please try to download the new attached file|||RE: Q1 Assuming I have installed a new device, how can I configure MS SQL 6.5 to use the new device for clearance_data for expansion?
Q2 Please try to download the new attached file.
A1 I'm not sure exactly what you are asking (I had assumed hardware mirroring, are you using Sql Server DB mirroring? If so I believe you must break the mirror before altering the DB, then remirror subsequently if possible.). If not, as I recall, you may do everything necessary from Sql EM once the new drive volume is available (visible) to the OS (unless maybe, you have done some intersting things with segments). You could use tsql in isqlw as well, for example: (not tested)
/* Find out the maximum VDevNo (XX): Then XXX = XX + 1 (where XX is the first digit of low byte column data) */
Use Master
exec sp_HelpDevice
Select * From SysDevices
/* G: = 18GB DISK 3*/
/* The following tsql would use half of G for Log and half G for Data: */
Name = 'Clearance_Data_DataDevG_001',
PhysName = 'G:\MsSql\Data\Clearance_Data_DataDevG001.dat'
VDevNo = XXX,
Size = 4608000 /* 4608000 x 2KB = 9GB */
Name = 'Clearance_Data_LogDevG_001',
PhysName = 'G:\MsSql\Data\Clearance_Data_LogDevG001.log'
VDevNo = XXX,
Size = 4608000 /* 4608000 x 2KB = 9GB */
/* The following tsql should then Alter the clearance_data DB to use about half of each of the log and data device files created on G. : */
Alter DataBase clearance_data
On Clearance_Data_DataDevG_001 = 4500,
Log On Clearance_Data_LogDevG_001 = 4500
/* - NOTE - */
/* If the above statement fails, then the Log On clause may not be valid to use with Alter Table. In that case, use the following tsql which should work: */
Alter DataBase clearance_data
On Clearance_Data_DataDevG_001 = 4500,
Clearance_Data_LogDevG_001 = 4500
Exec sp_LogDevice 'clearance_data', 'Clearance_Data_LogDevG_001'
A2 The latest file has a zero byte size (downloaded).
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