Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cant attach database

I've created a database inside my project, the database is in the App_Data folder as exepcted.

I can't run the aspnet_regsql until I have attached it using SQL Server Management Studio, but when I try to attach the database it doesn't let me navigate through my folders properly.

The database is in C:\Users\Wardie\Documents\FirstProject\App_Data but SQL SMS only lets me navigate to the folder C:\Users\Wardie and no further for some reason, meaning I can't attach the database and can't use the aspnet_regsql service to create the membership tables.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

I had this problem and discovered that SQL Server Management Studio doesnt navigate long directory paths off windows user directories like "My Documents". I ended up creating all my web projects in a sub directory off C:\ something like C:\My Websites\Web1\App_Data\MyDatabase.MDF will work fine. Sorry, but as far as I'm aware you'll have to move your project directory to a shorter path off the root directory.


I guess i'll just have to do the same then, cheers smc.

A bit of a stupid thing though isn't that really?


I agree. There's probably a logical reason... maybe its to do with virtual paths that are used for user "My Directory" folders not being supported. I.e. the "My Documnets" directory is actually something like "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents"

Please mark as answered if I was helpful in someway to you.

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