I cannot start the sqlserver agent neither manually or automatically and I
get this message in the event log:
SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server
'(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).
Can anyone please help? Thanks.Is your local SQL Server instance running? Can you connect to your SQL
instance using a different tool (like Query Analyser or osql.exe) and
the same login (be it a SQL login or a trusted connection) that your
instance of SQLAgent is configured to use? Is SQLAgent configured to
use a trusted connection or a standard SQL login?
*mike hodgson* |/ database administrator/ | mallesons stephen jaques
*T* +61 (2) 9296 3668 |* F* +61 (2) 9296 3885 |* M* +61 (408) 675 907
*E* mailto:mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com |* W* http://www.mallesons.com
00allen_iverson wrote:
>I cannot start the sqlserver agent neither manually or automatically and I
>get this message in the event log:
>SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server
>'(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).
>Can anyone please help? Thanks.
>|||How can I find out the SQLagent configuration of trust connection or standar
d SQL login? And how can I get help from this. Thanks.
"Mike Hodgson" <mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com> wrote in message news:u0r
Is your local SQL Server instance running? Can you connect to your SQL inst
ance using a different tool (like Query Analyser or osql.exe) and the same l
ogin (be it a SQL login or a trusted connection) that your instance of SQLAg
ent is configured to use? Is SQLAgent configured to use a trusted connectio
n or a standard SQL login?
mike hodgson | database administrator | mallesons stephen jaques
T +61 (2) 9296 3668 | F +61 (2) 9296 3885 | M +61 (408) 675 907
E mailto:mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com | W http://www.mallesons.com
00allen_iverson wrote:
I cannot start the sqlserver agent neither manually or automatically and I
get this message in the event log:
SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server
'(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).
Can anyone please help? Thanks.|||Open SQL Enterprise Manager. Expand the branches to expose your local
instance. Left-click on the local instance; this will establish a
client connection (SQLEM being the client) to your server. If that is
successful then your SQL server is running and accepting client connections.
Expand the + next to the server name. Expand the + next to Management.
Right-click on SQL Server Agent and select the property menu option.
This will bring up the configuration dialog box for SQL Agent.
Click on the last tab (Connection). This will tell you how SQLAgent is
attempting to connect to the SQL server instance.
(I'm sure this basic GUI config stuff is described in SQL Books
Online...like here for instance:
ate_01et.asp" target="_blank">http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...>
*mike hodgson* |/ database administrator/ | mallesons stephen jaques
*T* +61 (2) 9296 3668 |* F* +61 (2) 9296 3885 |* M* +61 (408) 675 907
*E* mailto:mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com |* W* http://www.mallesons.com
00allen_iverson wrote:
> How can I find out the SQLagent configuration of trust connection or
> standard SQL login? And how can I get help from this. Thanks.
> "Mike Hodgson" <mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com
> <mailto:mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com>> wrote in message
> news:u0rF7QZYFHA.4060@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
> Is your local SQL Server instance running? Can you connect to
> your SQL instance using a different tool (like Query Analyser or
> osql.exe) and the same login (be it a SQL login or a trusted
> connection) that your instance of SQLAgent is configured to use?
> Is SQLAgent configured to use a trusted connection or a standard
> SQL login?
> --
> *mike hodgson* |/ database administrator/ | mallesons stephen jaques
> *T* +61 (2) 9296 3668 |* F* +61 (2) 9296 3885 |* M* +61 (408) 675 907
> *E* mailto:mike.hodgson@.mallesons.nospam.com |* W*
> http://www.mallesons.com
> 00allen_iverson wrote:
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