Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cannot start SQLEXPRESS

I have just had to reinstall all my SQLServer instances (SQL2005 Standard, BCM2007, and SQLEXPRESS).

The first two have started fine, but I cannot get the SQLExpress instance to start. When I start in the Management Studio, the error I get is:-

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Loating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server)."

Can anyone tell me what I have to do to correct this problem:?

I have looked in the Add or Remove Programs window and cannot see ANY instance relating to SQL Server Express 2005.


First, if you have installed SQLExpress on your local machine then it should allow you to connect. If not try to configure it to allow remote connections. Following links will help you to do so.

And last, if you want to know about SQLEXpress instance, go to services in management console and there you can find if SQLExpress service is running or not and at the same location you can find the SQLExpress instance information.

Links are:

Mayur Tendulkar

Microsoft Student Partner

Asst. Manager: Pune User Group For Students


Unfortunately, none of these suggestions can be implemented. SQLEXPRESS does NOT appear in either the Surface Area Configuration menu, nor in the Configuration Manager module in MMC.

It does appear in the services tab, but when I attempt to start it, I get the response:-

"Could not start the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service on local computer. Error 3: the system cannot find the path specified."

How do I reconfigure this to allow it to work?



It seems that your SQLExpress installtion has problems. Please try to reinstall it. It may solve the problem.

Mayur Tendulkar

Microsoft Student Partner

Asst. Manager: Pune User Group For Students



Thanks for that information.

I tried the installation again, and all tasks completed successfully other than the last one "SQL Server Database Services" where it reported an error:-

"The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "Howto view SQL Server setup log files" and "Starting SQL Server manually"."

This repeats when I retry. When I cancel, the install process finishes, but the SQLExpress instance does not appear.

This install generated an error report that is apparently sent to Microsoft. However, this does NOT help me with getting SQLExpress to actually WORK.

How do I rectify this issue? I need to have this instance running so that I can support my clients with another package that depends upon this working.

I am including the last part of the summary installation log which may help with your examination:-

Failed to install package
Fatal error during installation.
Setting package return code to: 29503
Complete: InstallSqlAction at: 2007/5/17 14:45:10, returned false
Error: Action "InstallSqlAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Target collection includes the local machine.
Invoking installPackage() on local machine.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.10
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction
Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Error: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Installation of package: "patchMSDE2000" failed due to a precondition.
Error: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Installation of package: "patchLibertySql" failed due to a precondition.
Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action
Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true.
Error: Action "ExposeVistaClusteredResources" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "ExposeVistaClusteredResources" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "The Clustered SQL Server instance that hosts is installed." returned false.
Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2007/5/17 14:45:10
Error: Action "ReportChainingResults" threw an exception during execution.
One or more packages failed to install. Refer to logs for error details. : 3
Error Code: 0x80070003 (3)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the path specified.

Source File Name: sqlchaining\sqlchainingactions.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Thu Nov 16 20:31:57 2006
Function Name: sqls::ReportChainingResults:Stick out tongueerform
Source Line Number: 3521

- Context --
sqls::HostSetupPackageInstallerSynch:Stick out tongueostCommit
sqls::HighlyAvailablePackage:Stick out tonguereInstall
led due to cancel code received from cancel source: 29539



I'm bit confused too but this may solve your problem.

Mayur Tendulkar

Microsoft Student Partner

Asst. Manager: Pune User Group For Students



This may have some bearing on my problem. Yesterday, because I was having problems updating SQLExpress with SP2, I decided to uninstall SQL Server entirely. However, I did NOT remove the various MSSQL* sub-directories. Could it be that SQL Express is getting confused with which of these it should instantiate? The sub-directories I have now are:-

MSSQL - containing what looks like my SQL Express databases - this was previously a MSDE2000 instance.

MSSQL.1 - containing what looks to be the SQL Standard edition databases. This has an OLAP sub-directory.

MSSQL.2 - does not contain any databases. This instance does have Reporting Services and OLAP sub-directories.

MSSQL.3 - also does not contain any databases.

MSSQL.4 - seems to be only Reporting Services.

MSSQL.5 - has some empty default databases.

Do you think that I should re-install SQL Server SE and SQL Server Express again, having removed the entire directory structure again? (clearly after backing up the databases I need - which I did do yesterday, of course).



I too think that, it would be a great solution. Also remove all SQL Client tools, SQL-XML and other tools that gets installed with SQL. There is no specific order in which you can install SQL Server's diff editions. However, I would recommend from older to newer and Express edition first before SQL SE 2005.

I guess, this will solve your problem. Smile

Mayur Tendulkar

Microsoft Student Partner

Asst. Manager: Pune User Group For Students

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