I am trying to create a new merge subscription using RMO on Sql 2005, but I want the new agent to use a non-default profile.
I can set the ProfileName on the agent but it seems to have no affect. I was wondering, do I have the wrong Profile name?
This is the code I'm using
subscription = new MergeSubscription();
subscription.ConnectionContext = conn;
subscription.SubscriberName = server;
subscription.SubscriberSecurity.SqlStandardLogin = sqlUserName;
subscription.SubscriberSecurity.SqlStandardPassword = sqlPassword;
subscription.SubscriberSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = useWindowsAuth;
subscription.PublicationName = publication.Name;
subscription.DatabaseName = publication.DatabaseName;
subscription.SubscriptionDBName = database;
subscription.SyncType = SubscriptionSyncType.Automatic;
subscription.SubscriberType = MergeSubscriberType.Global;
subscription.Priority = 75;
subscription.UseInteractiveResolver = false;
if(hostNameOverride != null && hostNameOverride.Length > 0)
subscription.HostName = hostNameOverride;
subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Login = agentUserName;
subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Password = agentPassword;
// Create the push subscription.
if (subscription.SynchronizationAgent != null)
subscription.SynchronizationAgent.ProfileName = "High Volume Server-to-Server Profile";
Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?
Agent has a corresponding profile, which has existed and you can not change its name. As for your case, you may try to create a new non-default profile and give it with the name you set. Also set the new profile as your merge agent profile.
Hope it will help.
|||Thanks Yungjing,
are you saying that is it not possible to create a subscription and the subscription use one of the pre-defined agent profiles?
I can change the profile of an existing agent using the UI of the replication monitor, so I would have thought it should be possible using RMO!!
|||No, this is not what I mean.
But I understand your issue this time. Originally, I thought you tried to change profile name through calling subscription.SynchronizationAgent.ProfileName = "High Volume Server-to-Server Profile".
To change agent with another pre-defined agent profile, you should use
RMO class: AgentProfile
Method: public void AssignToAgent(string distributionDBName, int agentID)
It will call SP sp_update_agent_profile as UI does.
Hope it will help this time. :-)
Thats just the answer I was looking for, thanks Yunjing.
However, I have one small problem. Where do I find the agentID as an integer from?
My code has just created a new subscription. The only reference to an agent Job ID I can find is one the MergeSubscription class, but this is a string, and it won't convert to an integer.
Thank you once again.
|||Here are some sample code, you may refer to get help for your conversion case.
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null)
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
// Column 0 is always the Dist DB
string distDB = (string)dr[0];
int agentID = (int)dr[nColAgentID];
agentProfile.AssignToAgent(distDB, agentID);
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