Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cannot set the ProfileName on a merge agent


I am trying to create a new merge subscription using RMO on Sql 2005, but I want the new agent to use a non-default profile.

I can set the ProfileName on the agent but it seems to have no affect. I was wondering, do I have the wrong Profile name?

This is the code I'm using

subscription = new MergeSubscription();

subscription.ConnectionContext = conn;

subscription.SubscriberName = server;

subscription.SubscriberSecurity.SqlStandardLogin = sqlUserName;

subscription.SubscriberSecurity.SqlStandardPassword = sqlPassword;

subscription.SubscriberSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = useWindowsAuth;

subscription.PublicationName = publication.Name;

subscription.DatabaseName = publication.DatabaseName;

subscription.SubscriptionDBName = database;

subscription.SyncType = SubscriptionSyncType.Automatic;

subscription.SubscriberType = MergeSubscriberType.Global;

subscription.Priority = 75;

subscription.UseInteractiveResolver = false;

if(hostNameOverride != null && hostNameOverride.Length > 0)

subscription.HostName = hostNameOverride;

subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Login = agentUserName;

subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Password = agentPassword;

// Create the push subscription.


if (subscription.SynchronizationAgent != null)

subscription.SynchronizationAgent.ProfileName = "High Volume Server-to-Server Profile";

Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?



Agent has a corresponding profile, which has existed and you can not change its name. As for your case, you may try to create a new non-default profile and give it with the name you set. Also set the new profile as your merge agent profile.

Hope it will help.




Thanks Yungjing,

are you saying that is it not possible to create a subscription and the subscription use one of the pre-defined agent profiles?

I can change the profile of an existing agent using the UI of the replication monitor, so I would have thought it should be possible using RMO!!




No, this is not what I mean.

But I understand your issue this time. Originally, I thought you tried to change profile name through calling subscription.SynchronizationAgent.ProfileName = "High Volume Server-to-Server Profile".

To change agent with another pre-defined agent profile, you should use

RMO class: AgentProfile

Method: public void AssignToAgent(string distributionDBName, int agentID)

It will call SP sp_update_agent_profile as UI does.

Hope it will help this time. :-)



Thats just the answer I was looking for, thanks Yunjing.

However, I have one small problem. Where do I find the agentID as an integer from?

My code has just created a new subscription. The only reference to an agent Job ID I can find is one the MergeSubscription class, but this is a string, and it won't convert to an integer.

Thank you once again.



Here are some sample code, you may refer to get help for your conversion case.


DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null)
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
// Column 0 is always the Dist DB
string distDB = (string)dr[0];
int agentID = (int)dr[nColAgentID];
agentProfile.AssignToAgent(distDB, agentID);




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